Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program

I currently serve as the director of ASAP.  The University of Illinois program is one of the first univeristy based programs addressing sustainable agriculture in the country.  Our current mission is to promote information exchange and knowledge application to improve the sustainabliity of food, fiber and energy production in Illinois and beyond.   For more on ASAP click […]

Soil Quality Website

I  host the Soil Quality Website which is the product of  a collaborative effort between Susan Andrews, members of NCERA-59, and the Soil Tilth Lab.  Many individuals have worked for the past decade to develop and deliver content addressing and promoting sustainable soil management.  This is an outgrowth of a SARE-PDP project that engaged Illinois […]


Wander, M.M., S.J. Traina, R.B. Stinner, and S.E. Peters.  1994.  Organic and conventional management effects on biologically active soil organic matter pools.  Soil Science Society of America Journal. 58:1130-1139. Wander, M.M., D.S. Hedrick, D. Kaufman, S.J. Traina, B.R. Stinner, S.R. Kehrmeyer, and D.C. White.  1995.  The functional significance of the microbial biomass in organic and […]


 Wander, M.M. 2001.  Management, Organic Matter and Carbon Sequestration, Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference.  pp.73-75. Wander, M.M.  2002. Organic Matter Management and Carbon Sequestration, Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference.  pp.69-72.    Wander, M.M. and S. Hollinger. 2004.  Climate Change, Implications for Agriculture. Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference. pp.7-8. Wander, M.M.  2004.  Can Organic Practices Compete with […]


is a webcommunity for eOrganic that publishes to eXtension.  eXtension is brought to you by experts from the nation’s largest and oldest network of land grant universities. Michelle has served as one of the founders of eXtension and has served as the lead for the eOrganic Soils and Organic Agriculture and Climate Change communities of practice […]