Carmen Ugarte is in print!
Check it out! The influence of organic transition strategy on chemical and biological soil testsCarmen M. Ugarte and Michelle M. WanderRenewable Ag and Food Systems doi:10.1017/S1742170511000573 Soil testing strategies that include biologically based indicators in organic and alternative farming systems are needed inorder to improve recommendations that balance production and environmental goals. In this study, […]
Info on Spring Classes
Scholarship of Sustainability NRES 499 CRN 53752Spring Semester offering 10 week course2 CreditsLecture/discussion 4:00-5:50 p.m.Discussions on Tuesdays beginning Jan 31 in Turner N-221Lectures meet Thursdays in 103 Mumford HallScholarship of Sustainability NRES 499 syllabus 2012 The class will meet over 10 weeks, starting on Tuesday, January 31, and ending Thursday, April 12. The class will meet each […]
Stewarding Carbon for the Climate
In this project we assessed the influence of grain production cropping systems on soil quality and C sequestration potential using participatory and on-farm research methods. Project background and objectives:This project was the third study carried out as partof the Illinois Soil Quality Initiative whichbegan on farm research to provide Illiniois grainproducers with research‐based tools andrecommendations […]
Busy Summer
We had a busy summer and many wonderful summer students we will be sad to see go. We miss Brian and Pat and will soon say goodbye to Derek.
Rapid Project on Flood Damage
The path to greatness starts in the soils lab
Spring 2011 got off to a great start with a visit from Angie Hernandez, former student hourly and art history major. She assured the current crew that soil grinding helped her get that internship at the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Italy.
Conservation Management Tool
The overall goal of this work was to develop an approach to evaluate and improve the Conservation Measurement Tool that USDA-NRCS uses to administer its Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). The Conservation Measurement Tool (CMT) was developed in response to the 2008 Farm Bill and the need for tools to implement CSP. The CMT is a […]
Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program
I currently serve as the director of ASAP. The University of Illinois program is one of the first univeristy based programs addressing sustainable agriculture in the country. Our current mission is to promote information exchange and knowledge application to improve the sustainabliity of food, fiber and energy production in Illinois and beyond. For more on ASAP click […]
Soil Quality Website
I host the Soil Quality Website which is the product of a collaborative effort between Susan Andrews, members of NCERA-59, and the Soil Tilth Lab. Many individuals have worked for the past decade to develop and deliver content addressing and promoting sustainable soil management. This is an outgrowth of a SARE-PDP project that engaged Illinois […]