
New project that connects to past efforts!

Two NIFA grants (Rooting for Ecosystem Services & Being Particular about Organic Matter) will allow us to revisit farms that we sampled as part of the Illinois Soil Quality Initiative which was a multidisciplinary effort to develop accurate, practical, and meaningful measures of soil characteristics that farmers can incorporate in strategies to sustain soil resources […]

Postdoctoral Associate: Data Fusion Methodology for Land Use Change and Biofuel Production

Land-use change (LUC) in the form of agricultural expansion is a concern associated with the increasing demand for renewable fuels.  It is a critical topic in the discussion of biofuel sustainability.  Multiple data sources can be used to evaluate LUC and information from these data sources can be combined to obtain a more complete picture […]

Organic Decision Tools to Manage N for Production and Climate

Organic Transitions ILLU-875-62, 2015-2017  Our goals are to: Evaluate usability and utility of soil N calculators and models Develop affordable ways for farmers to initialize process models that feed decision support tools Develop the goCropghg app to allow organic farmers to estimate plant available N and greenhouse gas emissions on their farms We are leveraging goCrop™, […]

Traina Lab Group Reunion to Celebrate Sam’s 60th

Had a great time celebrating Sam Traina’s  60th birthday and seeing my former lab-mates!  My academic sibs and cousins are from left to right starting in the back row are: Gustavo Martinez, University of Puerto Rico, Satish Mynemi Princeton University, Ed O’Laughlin, Argonne National Lab, Doug Beek, EPA’s National Risk Management Research Laboratory, SAM (The […]

New Forms of Agriculture: Ordinary Practices, Public Depate and Social Critique

Am excited to be involved with a two-day international conference on “New Forms of Agriculture”, to be held Nov. 20 & 21, 2013, on the INRA/AgroSup/University of Burgundy campus. The conference focuses on the social and political aspects of alternative agriculture movements, public debates over the pros and cons of differently configured agri-food systems, and […]