Info on Spring Classes

Scholarship of Sustainability NRES 499 CRN 53752
Spring Semester offering 10 week course
2 Credits
Lecture/discussion 4:00-5:50 p.m.
Discussions on Tuesdays beginning Jan 31 in Turner N-221
Lectures meet Thursdays in 103 Mumford Hall
Scholarship of Sustainability NRES 499 syllabus 2012

The class will meet over 10 weeks, starting on Tuesday, January 31, and ending Thursday, April 12. The class will meet each Tuesday for one hour (from 4:00-5:50) for discussion of the readings. The main sessions will be on Thursdays, starting February 2, from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room 103 of Mumford Hall, on the University’s south quad (just across the street (south) of the Morrow Plots on campus–about an 8 minute walk from the law school). This unusual format is due to the fact that the main, two-hour sessions, will include students from other campus courses as well as community members.  (They are open to the public.) The format of the main sessions will involve comments by Dr. Freygogle and (usually) two other campus faculty members, followed by questions and open discussion.  The general topics of the 10 sessions are set forth below.  All of the readings will come in two, spiral bound photocopy volumes, available in late January (cost–perhaps $35 total).  (Note–the order of the topics is still subject to change.)

Sustainable Food Systems

ACES 199—CRN 57624 

TR, 1:00 – 2:20 pm

This course is designed to foster critical systems thinking and collaborative analysis across multiple disciplines for the development, production, preparation, and consumption of food within complex social and ecological systems.  The course includes the consideration of challenge of producing enough food to feed the world population, and the environmental (e.g., climate change, sustainability, environmental footprint), economic (e.g., food insecurity) and health (e. g., obesity, diabetes) issues that are related to food.  A central idea is to start with “the food we eat” and connect it to health (e.g., obesity, nutrition, disease), the environment (e.g., environmental implications), the global economy (e.g., population growth, community economic development), and technology (e.g., genomics, engineering, information processing).

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